Category: Blog


New Content! (Also I have a cold) – Keshi TV

I’ve released new content, on my other channels! Check here to see where! Channels referenced: NUTV:However, they know little about how to cure it. steal here cheap online tadalafil Of red, green, blue, pink...


Haaris’ Brexit Survival Guide – Keshi TV

Also applies to a zombie apocalypse (probably more soAccording to Michael, this problem can be solved order viagra through various natural approaches. There cialis viagra cheap is this enzyme which is named as PDE5....


Destination Star Trek Europe 2016 – Keshi TV

It’s taken me just under half of a year to find the time to edit this, BUT I FINALLY HAVE! A quick montage worlwind of the actors I met, the amazing cosplay, and some...


Ten Years.

Overslept slightly, but it’s been 10 years (and a couple of hours) to the day that I had my first full day at Bradford Grammar School. Going from a small primary school to a...


Procrastination – Keshi TV

They say you are what you are in the dark. I get lonely a lot – I also have a lot of time to (not) waste. I also have a lot of stuff. I...


The Fun Way to Brush Your Front Room (Hoverboard fun)

The future is nowNumbness in arms and breathing difficulties are some rare cases when viagra purchase on line bleeding in the eye appeared, seizures, swelling of the eyes and double vision and in extreme...


#JihadAgainstISIS – Response to Cameron’s statement

In response to the statement David Cameron made earlier this week about Muslim communities apparently ‘quietly condoning’ extremist ideologies, a variety of groups have decided to spread the hashtag #JihadAgainstISIS in order to demonstrate...