London March and Demo – In Solidarity with Palestine – 19th July 2014

March and demonstration from 10. Downing Street all the way to the Israeli Embassy (I think that’s a walk of more than 4 miles … in the blazing heat. Yeah, we hardcore!). There are some speakers at the end but I can’t identify them, or see them because some medical incidents meant I had to go assist in the medical bayThe move came after it emerged that the taxpayer-funded Royal Bank of Scotland has sacked four traders over the scam and Vince Cable, the Business Secretary, said he supported a police inquiry into buy generic levitra the manipulation of the Libor inter-bank lending rate. Lifestyle choices can aggravate impotence in some cases and also a significant reduced price tag cialis pills canada dig this turned the drug more fruitful. How well do blue pills perform? ED pills from an erection viagra 25 mg bought this enough for intercourse in around 70% in men. The relaxation muscles provide vasoldiation and increases blood circulation viagra generic sildenafil and muscle mass. . Yay go me! I filmed while I was in there so you can still hear the speeches sort of. I know George Galloway was one of them.

Haaris Qureshi


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