Haaris Qureshi grew up in Bradford, West Yorkshire, living there until he turned 19 before moving to Newcastle-upon-Tyne to go to University. His two lifelong interests have been technology (spending most of his childhood on a computer, messing around with different software) and media (consuming BTS content and messing around with cameras). It almost certainly helps he spent most weekends at the National Media Museum, a second home.
At University he studied a BSc in Computing Science, and then after a year gap, he started an MA in Film: Theory and Practice, and then an MA in International Multimedia Journalism, all at Newcastle University. His time during his UG helped him learn more about his interests and aspirations – during his time with NUSU, Haaris has helped run the award-winning student media, especially NUTV which he has been a manager for (including twice the Station Manager) from 2015 until 2022, helping to develop the output and technology of the station. His degrees all reflect his main focuses – technology, narrative visual storytelling, and broadcast media and journalism.
Outside of those, Haaris involves himself in social activism, especially around disability. He has a rare physical disability (congenital indifference to pain and temperature), as well as being autistic and dyspraxic, and dealing with mental illness during his academic life. A childhood spent in and out of hospital can only influence ones interests too, and Haaris currently volunteers as an Advanced First Aider with St. John Ambulance.
Haaris also enjoys gaming (and is the sub-editor for his student newspaper for the gaming section), including for the last few years being a heavy DnD player and DM.